Sandals were probably the first type of shoes worn by man. Sandals are made of layers of leather sewn together and straps in leather or other materials. They were worn by the Egyptians, the Persians, the Greek and by the Romans, and were initially used to protect people’s feet from the roughness of the ground. Sandals have evolved in shape and ornaments and have become an essential element of a woman wardrobe. This development in style was especially due to the creativity of Italian and French craftsman who created new designs over the years. I’m referring to the CAPRI and the TROPEZIENNES styles.
When the Roman emperor Tiberius choose the island of Capri to spend the last days of his life, he arrived wearing a pair of sandals with laces of leather wrapped around his ankle. That style of sandals, originally worn by the emperor Tiberius, is essentially still worn today and continues to be produced in Capri, altough now as been embellished with stones and new materials, and it is a symbol of the italian craftsmanship. Many stars of the cinema and members of the jet set have chosen a pair of Capri sandals, from Sophia Loren to Jackie Kennedy.
Jackie Kennedy in Capri. From Pinterest
The favourite sandals by Jackie Kennedy. From
The story of Tropeziennes sandals begins in 1927, in Saint Tropez, where Domenique Rondini opened his shop and created his first model of sandals. His idea for the sandals was probably inspired by a specific need of a client who wanted to wear a very resistant pair of shoes for walking on the sand, similar to those worn by romans gladiators. In 1933, always in Saint Tropez, also Jacques Keklikian opened a shoes shop specialized in handmade sandals. Trasformed in K. Jacques, this brand, become famous through testimonials like Brigitte Bardot and Pablo Picasso, is today distributed in the best shops of the world.
K-Jacques Buffon model. From
Rondini sandals. From Pinterest.
In Italy or in France it’s the same way of buying your sandals: you enter in a shop, you meet the craftman who takes your footprint, you choose togheter with him the style, the materials and the colours for your sandals. The time of a dive in the blue mediterranea sea and your sandals are ready to be worn.